
Q: What is the ending of Wu Song’s story in the classic novel “The Water Margin”?A: Wu Song’s story


Q: What is the ending of Wu Song’s story in the classic novel “The Water Margin”?

A: Wu Song’s story in “The Water Margin” is a tragic one. In the end, he kills his *****erous sister-in-law and her lover, which leads to his arrest and execution. This event is k***n as the “Hero’s Tragedy” because Wu Song was a brave and skilled warrior, but his downfall was caused by his own moral shortcomings.

Beyond the tragic ending of Wu Song’s story, “The Water Margin” is a classic novel that tells the story of a group of outlaws who band together to fight against corrupt officials and unjust laws. It is considered one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature and has had a profound impact on Chinese culture. The novel e**lores themes of loyalty, brotherhood, justice, and the struggle for ******* against oppressive rulers. It is a timeless work that continues to inspire readers around the world.

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